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Thrill of having *** in open area

Submitted by HeadsTailsAndHo Location: All India (All India, India)

Hello Guys

I am not sure what people have opinion about this, but for me it is thrilling to have fun in open like some forest, under construction building, behind the parked buses etc.

I am not talking about the risk taking experience. It is like exploring new places where one can go and have *** with his partner. It is like when I pass by a particular place during my regular day activities, and notice a barren land, or some patch of the road which is always deserted, I really get excited and imagine having *** there if I get equally bold guy to have fun there. Definitely, safety comes first so I try not to do anything at such places in daytime, but in the night time... and that too only on the nights when moon is not full in the sky, and there is no light falling from the streets or nearby buildings.

There are many places in big cities, where the cities are growing in outskirts too, but still not complete outskirt areas are covered.

It is like drive to outskirts in the late night with your date and then go to the place (identified in the daytime) and have fun. But yes, in such cases, I prefer to carry some beer bottle (to show that we are drinking in open), also leave your vehicle far (in front of some other building). Also don't engross in the act so much that you don't notice if someone comes close to you to see everything clearly. Also not full ***... No removing the cloths.

Would love to hear your experiences too.

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devang1 *
Posted On Apr 10, 2020

There are many places like open farms, jungles, conjucted zadi area at on road from ognaj village to shedfa chokdi...near Amdavad.... Very good with no any disturbance during day time also.... I traveled over this route some times ago with my car... But my bad luck.. I was alone on that time...

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Posted On Apr 10, 2020

Its feels great thrill to do *** in open or in bushes,,i did *** *** session at night in roadside bushes ,,we met here on ohmojo,,he approach me to do *** session at night around 12pm ,he come to near room pick me up and took me with him little far ,and then park his bike there ,,we get at roadside searching for place ,when we find perfect bush ,, i first time *** someone *** ,that was greatfull experience,,after me ,he also *** my *** ,we both are doing this first time ,i was scared little bit about open place at starting ,but if u know someplace do it ,it will be great experience,but be sure ,that place is safe, if it is then enjoy *** thrill in open place,,after that we met once again at same place at roadside for *** session,,hope next time we will do something new

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Posted On Apr 10, 2020

This happen last year it was around 10-10:30 in the night, i was going back to my home as i stay in the Kharghar, i catch train from Sanpada to kharghar. I take my scooty which i parked in parking lot and went down near the washroom section in Kharghar railway station. I went inside the washroom for pee. One guy came and stand beside me and start shaking his *** and looking at me. I simply notice his ***, dam it was dark nd big. I act like i ignore him and went outside where i park my scooty and stand there waiting for him. He came out from Washroom and we exchange the signal he came close to me and said kdr jana h ! So i said mere pass place nhi h tumhe pata h ? He said ya i knw den we went near glomax mall near glomax mall lots of trees are there in open ground. We went inside and i removed his jeans and take his black *** in hand and start ***. Guys it was just delicious. Then he took my *** and start ***, i was dam *** at that time so i *** inside his ***. Later on i dropped him again near kharghar station. We didn't exchange our number. Thats the sadest part. But we enjoyed a lot that was quick session for 10 min but it was memorable for me. That was first time i did openly. Feel guilty ki i never meet him again

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Posted On Apr 10, 2020

Once a blowed a big *** behind a bus in majestic around 10 pm. It was a big ***. The thrilling part is that there were two guys who were watching me blow his ***. The way they were staring at us made me hornier. Soon we heard footsteps and had to leave.

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Posted On Apr 29, 2020

Two year ago I meet a armyman.we went to the forest side near dharamsala market.it's a picnic point.we take a beer bottle and parked the car in road side which was little off side.he opened his pant n down his underwear and he say on backseat and I stand out side the car near back door. I started *** his ***.His *** was about 7'5/2'5.I *** him very well.while *** so many people n vehicles were crossing but that time we started drink beer.

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Posted On Apr 29, 2020

I had open *** many times at nice road-Kommaghatta-kengeri thru grindr friends
-At open ground at around 8pm in middle on tree we were almost naked n I was *** *** deeep n he removed my shirt n *** my boobs deep.. after about 30min of fun we ended with *** at open ground..
-Met a mallu top guy in his 40's at kengeri n we went to bushes after kommaghatta lake, I was thinking if this guy is lean, I cant imagine his *** would be small, all my thoughts went up side down wen I unzipped..omg..whatte ***..till date I haven't seen such a big ***..was deep *** *** ***. Didnf even notice the isolated homes at about 300m. Saw a bike cmng (rarely) stopped at Bush but I made him naked n omg..unforgettable ***..but he didn't *** my boobs to my satisfaction..however we were dare to finish..we both *** at bushes..unforgettable one

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Posted On Aug 28, 2020

It's always been thrilling meeting bottom guy in jungle or construction site.. I have been meeting bot at River side behind the jungle these days...it's really like adventures to us

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Posted On Aug 29, 2020

I found a guy on PR whose *** I liked but we had no place to meet. He suggested if we can meet outdoors and give him a blowjob. I got excited and agreed. We planned to meet at katraj lake at midnight. We met and then went near the loo in katraj lake but there were people playing volleyball there at night and using the loo frequently, the loo near the bridge over rail track. we then walked ahead near the shed inside which the train is parked beside the jogging track near the main road gate of katraj lake. There was a ridge beside the shed which was slightly below the roof of the shed, he asked me to sit there and he stood in front of me, keeping an eye out so that nobody would come. He took his *** out and I started *** and licking it. Unfortunately 2-3 guys came from the overhead bridge and were coming our way, he saw the same and we stood there normally till they went and then I *** him again, after which we jerked each other again and then went home. It is somewhat risky because on weekends people play there till 12 am but after 1am and on weekdays it is empty. Good place for a quick blowjob.

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Posted On Aug 29, 2020

I used to do *** in public places, like behind the bushes/parking lots, couple of times in public loos and about just one time in under construction building. In last few years though, I somehow have averted having *** in public. I agree the thrill is there, but somehow I prefer to not have that thrill (and the worry that comes with it) and rather have *** in safe, closed room, where I can focus completely on my man and his *** and enjoy being uninhabited sissy.

Having said that though, I do have a fantasy of wearing a lingerie and getting *** in open but completely secluded space... like a forest, river bank or even some terrace where only sky is visible and no other buildings. If it's raining heavily while doing so, that would be a treat even, and let my man *** on my face and pee on me and let rain wash it down all over my body. Would definitely love to have an experience like that once.

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Posted On Aug 30, 2020

I have had some of the best *** out doors.......in car of course....cubbon park was my fav joint for a long time as it was on my way to work and back......in my home town as well......went to the APMC yard in the evening as it was so deserted.....had fun at least twice.... Bangalore University campus...just once...heard horror stories afterwards about the campus and never ventured there again...but my fav remains our own cubbon park...but with the flood lights installed no chance of that.......

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Posted On Jan 30, 2021

Hello friends. Last month I got 2 incidents. I'm first case I meet a visitor in grindr app.He was pure top with having 8" big ***.He was in hotel with his friends. I ask him to come to my village side.He take a bike on rent n come to my village side.It was 7pm n was dark.we went to forest side park the bike on road n enter the forest.he opened his pant underwear till his knee n put my hand on his ***.Wow a lovely *** that was.I rub his *** n he press my boobs.we kiss each other after that I start ***. So many bikes n cars across while I was ***. Some biker break n looks our side.becouse we were in front the road.I sick him about 3
0 mnt.he ask me to vin I'm sure but I say no to *** inside he pull the *** and ask me to bend on knee I do same n he try to push his *** in my ads hole but he failed to do *** my hole.becouse his *** was big n my *** was tight .I've not get *** never till now. He tried 3/4 time but not succeed only little bit entered.Thenhe again ask me to ***.I *** again.

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Posted On Jan 30, 2021

I'm 2nd case I meet my village fellow on blued.He was bottom. He want to *** ***.I call him to nearby my house.he came n we went to nearby fields where he *** my ***.he drank my ***.after that we kiss n hug each other n went to home.

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Posted On Jan 30, 2021

in Coimbatore, on the way to madhukarai there are dense.bushes... I've made love with lot of people there, after 6 PM

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Posted On Jan 30, 2021

I hv many times... *** outdoors... It's a thrilling experience.. In car, behind bushes, secluded spots, have been completely nude on highways too..

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Posted On Jan 30, 2021

I am in Hyderabad and the road to and fro my workplace has so many Farms with boundary and open gates and many abandoned houses. Every day I pass them and think 'i wish somebody will come to me in these areas and I will give him a blowjob and if ready he can *** me too.'
But nobody is bold enough or interested in outdoor ***. These places are risk-free even during day time. we can go behind the wall and nobody can see. Or there are many big boulders in many places, we can hide behind them and at least oral *** is possible. or *** in standing position from behind.

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Posted On Jan 30, 2021

I love and prefer outdoor fun. Its exciting and more fun. I have done in multiplex washrooms, in bars, Terrace, playgrounds at night ans of course the famous 2*2 compartment

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Tista V.
Posted On Feb 2, 2021

Goa has numerous open spaces to experience the joy of nudism in nature, exhibition and open air loud inhibited raunchy ***.

I have experienced places in North Goa in broad day light.
- Tiracol plateau
- Keri beach rocks
- Keri to sweet water lake jungle trek
- Sweet water lake beach rocks

After sunset there are tonnes of places where one can cruise or have *** without being caught. Even if people see, they don't bother to interfere. All the above place are good for night too and there are some additional places.

- Arambol to Manderam beach stretch has some scheduled spots. Best to be there after midnight.

- Morjim beach tree line.

- Arambol hill, overlooking Arambol beach.

- Jungle behind cremation grounds ( opposite Twice in Nature, Arambol)

I have walked naked in those areas all the time; naked. Took some of my masters there, as well as ex-husbands and lovers. There are only few people passing through those places even in the day, even when they see you in the act they don't bother because they are just tourists and travelers.

Though, make sure to take a sheet to lay on the ground or cover yourself while escaping, if things go bad. A mosquito repellent cream/spray would be handy along with loads of lubricant, condoms and drinking water; for the outdoor *** picnic.

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Posted On Feb 2, 2021

Out skirt off bangalore towards doddballapur so many places r their I enjoyed 2 to 3 times

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Posted On Feb 4, 2021

I actually prefer to go out and expect someone to come to me and have quickie nearby than to open grindr and do it in house/hotel etc etc. It's more thrilling, seems like someone is giving attention to u and then that hesitation of approaching guy, slow approaches to check whether I am into it, feels amazing and more natural to me than those repeating usual boring conversations on grindr about from, place, likes etc. I get turned on if someone asks me to meet "casually" Than when someone says he has place πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

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Posted On Feb 4, 2021

Totally outdoors more thrilling fun than the endless chats in app! Good thing is you don’t have to plan ahead and think too much .. just cruise n have fun if it clicks 😜 Always worth a try !

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Posted On Feb 5, 2021

I have so mamy experiences.... I had got Fu..cked on railway tracks at night while local trains were passing thru...*** so many *** railway tracks, in jungle and public loo.

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Posted On Feb 6, 2021

I am a student in US, I met a indian guy through grindr and we met once in his room and enjoyed a lot. Coming to the story once he messaged me saying let's go to a lake nearby in the evening and I agreed. Once we were at the lake there were a lot of secluded spots and no one were there and I was not expecting anything to happen. Once it became darker he pulled me towards him and smooched on my lips. I was aroused and was moaning. We went near our car behind the bush he pulled down my pants till me knees and started ***** and was playing with my ##*** under my t-shirt. Cold wind was hitting my *** and I was shivering with excitement. We saw a car coming towards us and we jumped in our car and went to his house and made out for 2 hrs.

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Posted On Feb 14, 2021

Went with a friend to Jeevanbima nagar Bangalore for some work. He parked his car in the open field near SBI, surrounded by houses. When it became a bit dark we returned to car. He in driver seat unzipped his pants and I *** him. We unbuttoned our shirts a bit and *** nippeles, kissed deeply like it shd never end. Then he squeezed my butts to an extent that we felt like cumming. I *** his *** while he cummed in my *** and I gulped fully. And he *** my full load inside. It was amazing also because of the anxiety that some people might come. Quite an adventurous hot evening that was !!

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Posted On May 12, 2021

I *** while in train.. there was a passenger train which was fully empty.. except for one uncle.. so i approched him and gave signals shown my butt and finally in running trian i ***..

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Posted On May 12, 2021

I have *** so many *** out doors. In worn down mills, theatres, loos, bushes, in car, etc. My majority encounters have happened outdoors. Its just that u need to know the right place.

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Posted On May 13, 2021

Open in the Agri field is quite nice

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Posted On May 13, 2021

I have driven naked waist down more than 30 km in heavy traffic with my tracks pulled down below knees with buses , other xars and suvs goin past or even stopping at 2-3 signals ...not trying to look if anyone else is looking or not and was quite thrilling

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Posted On May 13, 2021

Way back in 2004 or so I had rode my bajaj pulser on M G Road in Bangalore (one of the busiest road of bangalore that time) in shortest possible shorts... The shorts were made by cutting an old jeans, in a way that even pockets were coming out and the join between legs (under the crotch) was hardly an inch wide... It was clearly falling under girls' Hot Pants category.
My legs were clean shaven that moment, and many eyes from nearby bikes and cars were ogling out on my smooth thighs.
Luckily it was about 8pm or so, and due to dark, not many people (including cops) noticed me...
One local, rowdy type guy, started following me and I started enjoying the attention I was getting.
Later I turned my bike towards commercial street side and stopped it much before that, where both sides we have army area.
The guy was still following me, so I went bit inside under the trees to pee... It was dark so I unbuttoned my shorts, opened the zip and started peeing.
In a minute he too came there... And without any pretext, he started feeling back of my thighs and when he noticed that my shorts are open, he inserted his hand inside and started pressing my butt cheeks... Soon my shorts were down to my knees... But before he could do anything, I saw one armyman coming out of the army gate... So I quickly buttoned my shorts and ran to my bike... It was electric start bike, so I zipped off on my bike swiftly before anyone could do anything.
Not sure what happened to that rowdy guy...

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Posted On May 14, 2021

A guy I had known in Grindr i hired as QC for my company.. it was fun since we regularly had in my car during day times around Kengeri areas safe places park the car and he drinks me up all clean....he stayed alone i stayed alone but the joy of doing in open was awesome .... once in my scooter he sat in front where u keep legs and *** me in the dark on nice road

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Posted On Jun 23, 2021

It is always a great fun to meet some one of your choice in open area. I had occasion of meeting a young handsome boy who wanted to *** me dry. He suggested a place near a railway track which is usually deserted in night.........we had a good session there......*** each other well ....met several time with growing fun every time....

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Posted On Jun 24, 2021

Had 3 times encounter with Shemales in highway side bushes, it was really great experience.

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Posted On Jun 24, 2021

I always love outdoor encounters..90% of my encounters are outdoors and I love to get caught and they watch me having fun
Once we got caught on river bank and 3 local guys *** me very badly..still I loved the experience

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Posted On Jul 16, 2021

I was once masturbating in a very isolated less densely forest and i happened to notice a man drunk and sleeping near his bike he was all drunk to even open his eyes i was disappointed and didn't have the guts to take advantage of it as well. So I thought since i did not have any other work and hence waited for him to wake up and come to his senses after like 2hrs he slightly woke up and noticed me but he did not react much and he saw time in his phone and stood up thats when i was able to see him completely. He was averagely tall nice body very built but normal built dusky colour his 3 buttons were open and could see a little hair and half nipples .he was alredy starting his bike to leave i was so disappointed since i waited so much and all i did not make any noise he just left and like in seconds i heard a bang noise i ran to see he fell down and i went to pull him up i only accidentally touched his chest but when I realised I purposely put my full palm inside his shirt and touched his whole chest while i pulled him up he said thanks and was trying start the bike it didn't start for sometime I thought I could just approach him like i saw some dust near his chest and crotch so i dusted it for him i kinda gave some strokes near his crotch but he was in hangover or may be even high to notice it so i directely pressed his *** he saw my face and asked vaguely what? I asked can i *** him he just furiously said i have my wife for all that. I took my hands and started walking he then called me asked my name and said okay i ll let you *** me but i wont do anything i was really excited and opened his pant and shirt completely and stroked him till he got erect it was a huge monster it filled my *** completely i *** him so well i loved that tangy taste of his *** i kept teasing his nipples as well he moaned so nicely i slowly rubbed my hands towards his armpits and it was slimy since he was sweating i kept rubbing it and he suddenly caught my hair vigorously pressed my face under his armpit and i licked and smelled it he asked how is it i said soooo msnly smell and thick arm pit an eye candy to see that armpits between his built arms i went again to his dik with one hand on his nipples and another hand in his armpits he said its going to come and tried to pull it out but I insisted to *** in my *** he said he do it in white so it will be more i said great and kept suking him in few seconds he came my *** literally filled with his hot stuff I couldn't swallow since it was too much so i again suked him till i spit all the *** down he moaned and shaked crazily when i blowed him after he came.

He immediately put his pants up shirt buttons and left without even seeing face again. That was rude but I enjoyed

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Kama Raj
Posted On Jul 18, 2021

Our regular spot where we used to have gay ***, a open land where residential plots had been laid, had lately become busy due to constructions starting there and we couldn't safely have *** there so we had to search for another spot.

So we started to search for one in the outskirts of my town. It was around 8 p.m. and we were going on the highway. We found a few spots but they were risky since there can be snakes and other such creatures. As we continued a bit further, I got a crazy idea. The plants planted on the dividers were quite tall and bushy. I asked my gay friend if we can check it out. Though initially hesitating, he came with me to check it out. As expected it was quite ok. Nobody would see us while driving and seeing from an angle. We opened out pants/undies and started to *** each others *** in turns. It was really exciting because we were hiding in plain sight. There were so many people passing so close to us and we were busy *** each others ***. We finally came in each others mouths and left that place.

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Posted On May 28, 2022

Usually near tech parks many pg construction work going on.so one day i was walking from office and saw a under-construction pg wanted to try my luck .A young boy who is working in that place goty attention.He was standing at first floor.I started to rub my tool on pant and he noticed and told to his co-worker something and came down.then he started walking towards secluded place where no crowd is there.
I followed him and we both entered a abandoned building after bushy area.we made sure no body is watching and lowered our pants to play with each other tools.then had a wonderful bj and i leaked after 10 min.

Wonderful experience with construction boy and i hope will get like one soon.

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Posted On May 28, 2022

In the 80's and 90's Azad Maidan and the Oval were the popular gay meeting spots in south mumbai. Did it there on many occasions with navy guys as well as paid boys who frequented the place. Met, had fun and went our separate ways. Great time

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Posted On May 28, 2022

I had really great fun today in open space. It was unexpected. I went for long drive alone. Got hungry so I took half for snacks. After eating, i thought to check grinder n started chatting 2-3 cute guys. One of them was really close so I went to meet him. He was really cute twink. I asked him if he know any place where we can have fun in the car. He took me to one place where there was no street lights. We saw bunch of cars n guys. They were drinking n smoking. We decided to go lil far n found one nice spot to fool around. We kissed real good in the car but somehow we were not comfortable. So we went out and started walking around to see good place. We saw some construction going on and big cement pipes were lying side of the stree so we went there, took cover of the pipes and we started having fun. He gave me nice blowjob. Thought of having *** but was not having condom so decided to skip. He gave me handjob while kissing n soon I ***. It was amazing experience.

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Posted On Oct 22, 2022

Few times during 2000~2004 I have walked down from Diva to Dombivli on the tracks with the shirt all open. Once a guy coming from the opposite direction came close to me and asked time. I told him the time and noticed that he too had a watch. I then asked - aur kucchh? He straight-forwardly said - nipple chusna hai. I touched his *** and he reciprocated. We then walked together some distance and found a secluded spot where he started *** my nipples madly. I unzipped him and stroked his ***. We *** each other's *** and nipples, licked and kissed passionately all around and had great fun.

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Posted On Jan 24, 2023

Hi guys
On 24/12 attend g party at badlapur bhoj resort. Rsort was damn good, i had personal room but i enjoy in open area little bush,
I saw a very fair man complete naked in open area, 3 guys enjoy with him and i saw 2 electrician of resort watching them, later on they join
Party organiser also made two dark room
Uff what a fun

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Posted On Aug 17, 2023

I miss the puri golden beach hotel beach, had lots of fun at night but now its full lighted same thing happened at manachira park in Kozhikode

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Posted On Aug 17, 2023

Indeed yes, love to enjoy in open and let people watch us with manageable risk. I do that often in public park near my place. The park is parallel to running roads and there are running roads both the sides of the park. Though there are good vegetation to hide, cover and enjoy specially in dark. Yes i go there often and meet random boys. You can see my pics of the latest fun in the park in my profile in maroon dress.

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Posted On Aug 17, 2023

Yes it's a heaven, my most of the experiences are night time. My first experience is in Hyderabad with a aged person I am 26 then and he is like 37. He pick me and take me to the outskirts don't know the place name but it's like a forest there is road is constructing at that time.. He take his bike into it and park it in bushes safely no body is there also it's my first time outdoor, I am Lil nervous but as he calms me.. he removed his most of the cloths...nude... I am amazed and ask me to do the same but I feeling shy...so I denied... He has a massive ***.... And big *** ... He pulls me and make me sit on his lap .. and we start kissing passionately he is a pro....the way he start biting me is awesome ...I love when someone bite my nipple and he did the same ...really wonder I am on heavenly feeling... Then he *** my *** and lick my balls deeply....ufff ...it's hot.... Then I ask his *** and it's real big....I *** him like nearly 20 min and play with balls.... 2 gulabjamuns he choke me with dicky... I rim his *** which he likes more ... Crazy feeling...his holes are also loose ..he ask me for fisting..lol..I don't understand then abt fisting then he told mei to insert fingers ...that time it seems dirty and impossible but beleive me guys it is worth ... His *** is already lubed.... I put my 4 fingers into his ***...which takes me to peaks of *** feel .. and then nearly insert my hand..this guy is fully prepared... really iam shocked coz my first time...he ask me for back and forth....we are like there for 1 and half hr...and fist him brutally....he liked ...then he ask to put my dicky into his *** ...and yes I *** this wonderful guy..as it's first time and I super duper excited I came in 3rd min....kind of embarassing but he is kind guy..he understands....and the I *** his *** and blow his dicky... He came with loss of *** .....I drank all ... After that we meet every month atleast once and had lots of fun....those were the memories..... I have others too... But yes guys prefer nights ..check the safer place .. try outdoors... Worthy experience...

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Posted On Aug 17, 2023

Hi I enjoy outdoor only I had 3 times *** *** in open place that is different feeling I caught one time with couple there are going near near to me I didn't see I dress fully as CD there stop 2 mint there saw I *** there left without any noise I remember now also that place

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Posted On Aug 17, 2023

Ahmedabad | Ghuma is the best place to have *** in open area many place to have fun in bopal area of Ahmedabad but couldn't find TOP

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Posted On Aug 18, 2023

It’s awesome feeling. I tried many time in highway. Beach, nice road, forest, terrace, bus, and in my car

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Posted On Aug 18, 2023

Yes outdoor is so much fun and full of thrill , I remember my man my yoga teacher taking me to outdoor places and so much pleasure he has given me no word to explain. Miss him a lot he does not want to meet anyone anymore for ***.

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Posted On Aug 18, 2023

I have tried so many times, once I met a guy from Grindr, we did not have place, he took me to the highway where lights were very low, and it was main highway so vehicle passing by from there in full speed, so nobody bothered to look on roads. also very less no. Of two wheelers. on both sides there were farms, we stood on the service road, I leaned on my bike he rimmed me and *** me. It was very thrilling..

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Sheila CD
Posted On Aug 18, 2023

i have had a few experiences in open

went to nagpur and had to go for a meeting 2 hours out of town. Made small talk with cab guy( guy in early 30s), then showed him my CD pics.
He got excited and on the way back in late evening, we stopped on an abandoned dhabha near highway and had fun. Had to stay for 2 more days.
He took me for a drive and I dressed up during drive next day. Again we parked on a side road about 200 m from highway and had fun in evening with cars passing on highway.

Have been there a cpl more times and always the same cab guy takes me around.

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Posted On Aug 18, 2023

Doing it in open spaces is always fun.
1. *** a guy i used to date, at Tuglakabad fort
2. Kisses in Metro Lifts, always >>>
3. Multiple hookups with my boyfriend in a forest near my home
4. The streets of my area and parks, I guy i recently met, he was into the same risky stuff as I am, thus we did there
5. Jama Masjid Minar Stairs
6. Rail meuseum, there's a locomotive which still have its lock broken and no body knows, so had things there in that locomotive
Many I don't remember

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Posted On Aug 18, 2023

Did all the stuffs in open on different occasions.
Blow job many times, once I did it in a telephone booth in CP - long ago when mobile was not a common device there were 5-6 PCOs (drop a coin and call)near Shivaji stadium in CP. One person can stand in one booth and door can be closed. The door used to have a glass window so that from out side you can see that one person is inside the booth and making a call. It was winter night and no one was there near the booth. My partner and my self went in side a booth and I was on my knees and blowing him while he was standing and pretend that he is making a call. It was thrilling.
Nehru park Chanakya puri after 8 pm in summers before the dating app era, use to cruise and hook up with people and use to blow them in the park itself. The park is huge and lot of secluded areas are there.
I got *** in the nehru park once by a security guard during music concert called "music in the park" organised by Delhi Tourism department.
Once in Jawahar lal nehru stadium during an sports event, Agrasen park near ISBT kashmere gate before Delhi metro came in.
It was fun when these mobile dating apps were not there. We use to cruise and do these stuffs in open.....

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