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Men shows their interest in public

Submitted by Sudip33 Location: All India (All India, India)

Hi back in before era of GR n PR, i herd many men used show their interest in guys by somehow,

Like i heard,

piercing on just on Right Ear.

Piercing on left eyebrows.

Or tattoo on neck of only 3 stars.

What all thing u know ?

I herd some dress code used on Goa beaches when u wanna show u like guys discreetly.

Of course now we can show pride flag, but if someone not out then ?

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Posted On Jul 21, 2021

Pink band on right hand

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Posted On Jul 22, 2021

Pink band??? What does it signifies???

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Posted On Jul 22, 2021

I read somewhere that a pink band signifies a gay and a bottom. I've seen it being used in clubs and gay meets. It helps identify people and roles.

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Posted On Jul 22, 2021

Does anyone know where we can find these secret dress codes that are applicable here atleast in India? I'm sure I ready ages ago about different band/handkerchief combos and colours for different roles/fetishes but I can't remember where or what it was

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Posted On Jul 22, 2021

Wearing a pink band will unnecessary ly disclose you in general public... Some of them would even show disrespect towards you or treat you rudely in public....

Instead keep a signature of just crossing your left hand fingers to indicate or sign the other one ... If he understands the sign it's well and good.
Work is done

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Posted On Jul 22, 2021

pink band is so cliche ... I personally tried to hit on a guy who made piercings on left eyebrow while I was in Gym ... and guess what it worked , we had great time in Lockerroom ... but later he said no.

And once I took a lyft from Baga to to the hotel where i was staying coz I lost my rented bike in GOA ... luckily I noticed that guy who was healthy but fair n had 3 stars on neck side . So I tried my luck .. He was rrady but he had his other friends too so we did not had fun but on bike I made some small cuddling n touching.

beore PR there was website named as guys4men, thats website used ro haave forums to discussion and in on of the forum i read these indicators .

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Posted On Jul 22, 2021

Eyebrows piercing is sign of gay

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Posted On Jul 22, 2021

I think the appropriate title for this thread should be “Gay cruising Signals”

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Posted On Jul 23, 2021

(the bandana being tucked in your back pocket)

Left side of the body = Top/Dominant Role
Right side of the body = Bottom/Submissive Role

Black = S&M
Dark Blue = *** ***
Light Blue = Oral ***
Brown = Scat
Green = Hustler/prostitution
Grey = Bondage
Purple = Piercing
Red = Fisting
Yellow = Watersports
Orange = Anything goes

Dark Green = Daddy/Boy Scene (a relative of the hustler green?)
Light Pink = Dildos (they’re often that color)
Dark Pink = Nipple Torture (might make them that color)
Fushcia = Spanking (rosy cheeks)
Rust = A Cowboy (ruddy complexion)
Khaki = Military *** (naturally)
Gold Lamé = Muscleboys (think Rocky Horror)
Mosquito Netting = Outdoor *** (that’s just being pragmatic)

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Posted On Jul 23, 2021

Dude why complicating it..
I tried this once.

Put my hand in pocket/ side pocket or back doesnt matter
Kept little finger out and pointing .. when u find a potential person keep shaking little finger looking at him .

If any person is accompanying you they wouldnt notice

you can proceed safely if both understand gesture.
Simple gestures can help more

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Posted On Jul 23, 2021

The assumption is that everyone knows of these signals only then would they work. Otherwise they won't.

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Posted On Jul 24, 2021

Yeah then in that case it probably won't. Coz I've never really come across a lot of people who knew or understood these signs, in India and abroad. Such signs were used when the world had an issue with homosexuality and we needed to communicate without disclosing to anyone about our true agenda. Nowadays, things are much more open and free, probably not everywhere but in a good number of places.

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Posted On Jul 24, 2021

Prior to GR/ PR , cruising was the best form of meeting guys in Bombay . Prominent spots used to be Bandra station West ; Gateway of India along the walls !
Boy that was real fun with eye contact and gazing at the guys crotch 😀.
On my frequent trips to India even now I prefer cruising at the same areas mentioned.
Trust me , it works !!

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Posted On Jul 24, 2021

I use these.. nevertheless.. if it would be known to everyone like through this forum these will come out as safest and easiest of them all..
I would put it up on my profile today itself..

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Posted On Jul 24, 2021

Chewing my lips while gazing to their ***, Wearing low waist jeans and tight short t-shirts worked for me. And for tops, scorching or adjusting ur bulge frequently can get you attention.

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Posted On Jul 25, 2021

@Parth3107 is right. I also do the same. I gaze at ***. First like at face then look at ***, ans keep staring for 10 sec then again look in eye for 3 sec and so on.

If he interested he will surely ask. Otherwise he will ask is there anything one my clothes. Simple and effective.

By the way I have seduced 3 straight person by using this technique.

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Posted On Jul 26, 2021

I havent observed so much about what the person wear and what he carries, but then its true, if the other person is also like you, then he will star at you , give some notation, like smiling or eyebrow movement. Some more action I have observed are , they will past by you and try to touch your hand palm , try touching waist, also yes grabbing the crotch.

But then, most of the time if the other person is like you , then they will try to talk and ask some question , like direction and all. People at cruising place gives looks to each other and understand. If you are new to this world you can find it difficult to understand, but as one meet more people and contacts are increased, then one can easily find the other persons interest.

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Posted On Jul 29, 2021

For being a bottom, use low hip jeans and transparent shirt or tight tee shirt...

U can unbutton the first two😝

When using low hip pant, use bright colour inner - that will attract more.

Transparent shirt worked really well for me

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Kama Raj
Posted On Jul 29, 2021

@patilboy...yes indeed... The 'look' trick is something I recognize very well. I have met many men using this method. I keep looking in every man's eyes and when I see that 'look'. Then I give him another look and if he wants me, then I get another look from that guy. I then stand there and see what he is doing. If I find him waiting for me, then I don't waste my time and skip the boring part and ask him if he has place. Then I go with the flow.

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Posted On Jul 29, 2021

@UtkarshXXL real time incident is with myself only actually.
. When I'm traveling somewhere in the night time (sleeper) I wore a dress like that only... Extremely transparent tees and low hip pant with bright colour inners, and a mild perfume...

Two sleeper - nearby guy usually get attracted to me in most of the times with such outfit... I always ensure the first move is from them only.. they slowly make a move and the fun begins😝

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Posted On Jul 30, 2021

I usually gaze into the eyes of the guy ..chew my lips to show interest. Many times have git guys . Also if u live near a beach , try there also

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tonguetwist *
Posted On Aug 1, 2021

Yes, eye contact is good sign to identify top or bottom, I usually, if I hv taken a liking for the guy, I look at him straight and move my hand over my crotch give rubbing, if he is equally interested he will respond with same move, some times quivering lips like licking, he then responds the same, I hv encountered in suburban train, when not much crowded

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Posted On Aug 1, 2021

This happens so many times when on street. Whenever i like anyone. I first make eye contact continously without blinking. And if it is the same frm the other side then i move to the next step of straight non stop looking at the crotch. If he is intd he wil get the mesage or will feel ackward and move.

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Posted On Aug 2, 2021

Eye contact and smile is best

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Posted On Aug 9, 2021

The bluetooth trick seems quite nice 🤔 I wish more people knew about it

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Posted On Aug 9, 2021

Eye contact is the most easiest thing but since I am a bottom I do wear tight body fit track pants giving a show off the shape of my butt

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Posted On Aug 9, 2021

@peaches4muscles it's quite simple and practical you just have to turn on the bluetooth of your phone and make it visible to others... Then you just change the name of your device with your preference and number
For example TOP9876543210 or BTM9876543210
It might work in crowded areas, like at metro stations but not a lot of people know about it... But I still do it.. who knows I might find someone

And I read this trick on someone's profile on ohmojo sorry I don't remember the name of the person but credit to them

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Posted On Aug 9, 2021

We can do this trick with mobile wifi also.

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Posted On Aug 9, 2021

Ya dis trick is amazing, Bluetooth and WiFi both. Just need to spread dis

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Posted On Aug 15, 2021

Just unbutton one off yr shirt and scratch yr crouch area and intermittently look into his eyes. The other guy will respond aptly if he catches the signal otherwise look for else

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Posted On Aug 21, 2021

Guys, just teach us those looks. You keep on saying this look that look. But is it difficult to understand how those looks are really 😁

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Posted On Aug 22, 2021

It's not at all difficult, most I've come across have always been pretty straightforward and easy to guess. You just gotta look carefully

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Posted On Aug 23, 2021

Today I changed my shirt in public loo Dadar station platform 4 towards CST , felt accomplished with killler eyes

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Posted On Aug 31, 2021

I think the best is looking into the eye and at thier pants and make singnals through lips. Scratching ur crotch can also be done if they are looking.

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Posted On Sep 14, 2021

BT is more tech driven where lot of guys using BT earphones .mostly on any mode of public transport travel &places
sleeper trains .buses .metro .suburban trains .malls . movie plex are places where people use BT ear phones in public
can rename and change ur device .to visible mode and pairing
Romeo SMS xxxxx xxxxx .Grdr SMS 10 digit.numeric can get send SMS to No and can look out on getting SMS for any visible GUY signs in BT range

can be alpha numeric xode with service provider in alphabets first and last five numbers to be more discreet

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Posted On Sep 16, 2021

Eyes, eyes, eyes...draw the attention and those looks will make them decide what your inner thoughts are.

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Posted On Sep 23, 2021

Eyes, so true.. it reveals. Some say its the gaydar like the radar.. it gives it away. But who makes the first move?

Its also a gentle touch that works. Just the hand, or even the little finger 😛

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Posted On Oct 29, 2021

i think there were few things that anyone could understand
As most have already said - the look - and then it gets reciprocated
in other cases - a line like "you look familiar"
Pressing or holding tight or scratching the inner arms when shaking hands

I have heard about ear piercing in one ear too

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Posted On Oct 30, 2021

Wow, nice discussion. I’m so happy to see these comments. Also I have been searching this kind of forum to share views. Thanks. With me many times look works but who initiates, sometime I get looks back from straight guys. They somehow after sometimes stops perhaps social bounds. What can be done in this situation? 😬

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Posted On Oct 30, 2021

Since we gay men have always existed, we have certainly been meeting men of our kind from ages too. Before the apps came and even before the internet was heard of, people went cruising to places like public parks, theaters, shopping complexes etc. The rules were quite simple in theory, it all worked through eye contact and certain gestures (works even now in cruising spots). You look at the guy for a little longer, and if he too is interested he will surely lock eyes with you (if not, he will just walk on), which is followed by a slight shy smile, and there you are, you have found someone who is interested.

After this, if the man is bold enough he is going to make the move and speak to you, some people do small talk, like 'hey I have seen you somewhere' or 'what time is it' and some simply stand next to you n ask off 'what do you like;' and some desperate folks even make too obvious moves like winking at you (yes I have been winked at) or fiddling with their willy, or licking their lips and smiling (and some men look so damn sexy when they do that).

If the guy is a shy one, he is going to pretend he hasn't signalled you, he will walk for a while, then come back, or stand at a distance and observe you and stuff. Some take so long you fell cob webs growing on your head lol.

It is a sort of odd dance what happens at cruising spots. There were no fixed ways of showing interest, sometimes just a look, a smile, a twitch of the lips would be enough. It was equal parts risky too, coz it was very much possible that you misjudge and signal someone straight. In most cases the straight men would just cast a look of surprise or disgust and walk off, and in some unfortunate cases they would get hostile. It was all a matter of chance.

Back in the nineties it was very difficult to make gay friends, there were no proper ways of finding them, so when you found once there would be a queer sense of thrill and familiarity, no matter whether you hooked up or not, you would know that there ARE other men like you and you aren't the only one with such feelings. It was a tough thing, and time consuming and tiring and risky (its a different matter that even with the apps it is still tiring and tedious to find a proper date), but there was no other way of doing it.

It is in many ways a part of our society's queer history, mostly unspoken and mostly forgotten with the emergence of the dating apps.

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Posted On Oct 31, 2021

Few guys confronted why they were being stared at, talking from experiences of my friend who got traumatized by one such encounter

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Posted On Jan 10, 2022

Lots of men have grabbed my *** in metro and have had lots of eye signals but it's too risky to follow that .
Yes 99% may be genuine but 1% aren't ,and those experiences are gonna scar us for the rest of our lives

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Posted On Jan 29, 2022

Recently there was this guy who kept looking at me.. and for some reason I felt as if all of the blood in my body is flushing to my ears n cheeks and i just instinctively followed him.. stood next to him at the platform he was holding that railing thing so i also held that and slowly his hand came closer to mine and he touched my finger... And next thing i remember, i was locking fingers with this unknown person and it somehow felt so magical after holding hands for some time we just left on our own ways

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Posted On Feb 16, 2022

Today , When I was coming from office. Something happend in the bus. One men was standing beside , in from of my seat. So my hand was just in normal position. After sometime I felt that he was rubbing hise *** and it was so hard. I was enjoying but suddenly his stop came and he went down.

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Posted On Apr 25, 2022

Going slightly off topic, but I'm curious how did guys figure out who's gay and who's not, without any special accessories like earrings or kerchiefs, or any gesture. The reason I'm asking is before I myself ever realized I was gay/bi, people in trains knew I was. I never had any gay thoughts before the first time I got groped in a train. So im wondering how that first guy and many other guys after him figured out I'm gay n took the risk of fondling me. I didn't wear any earrings nor did I make eye contact or gestures

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Posted On Apr 26, 2022

Hmmm if u r talking about 2x2 in Mumbai local, then the way it happens is, people would try their luck on anyone they find desirable and less threatening (provided there is no eye contact and all that jazz).
They would brush past your crotch and then hover around that area. Straight guys would get uncomfortable and do something or the other to get out of that situation. Gay/bi/curious guy on the other other hand would soak up the experience and their growing boners would reveal their interest.
So less to do with how people look, more to do with how people react to the situation and stimulus.

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Posted On Apr 29, 2022

I could never actually understand how man can read signals about other gays. :D

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Posted On Apr 29, 2022

@bhimosingh it doesn't seem all that complex, signals range from subtle eye contact, to caressing, to random chats obviously laced with sexual intent, and heck some times crotch adjustments while staring at the person they like, and in some cases the cheesy lip biting lol

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Posted On Apr 29, 2022

And I think you'd naturally pick up these signals if you're looking for them (***) 😀

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Posted On Jan 10, 2024

You can also wear a side bag when u r roaming alone... definitely it's hook up trick at public...

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