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Ran on anyone you knew too well, friend or work pl

Submitted by Guru005 Location: Chennai (Tamil Nadu, India)

Ever ran across anyone you know too well, like a friend or work colleague in ohmojo or elsewhere. Did you take the next step or tried to hide? Let's chat some hot encounters.

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Posted On Apr 9, 2018

Yes. This happend twice.
Once i met a guy through chat. We met casually in beach. While chatting we shared many info like college i studied, company i m working currently etc. Suddenly he enquired about one of my college friend and told that he knew him through chat only. It was shocking for me to know first. Because he is lil bit close to me. But i avoided talking to him about this.
Another happened recently. He is my gym mate. He was very friendly and helpede in gym. Later i saw his profile in pr with pic. Even now i see him in gym. But never talked about this.

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Posted On Apr 9, 2018

Well for me it happened many times. First and most bizarre experience was that of a project manager with in own account but different team who's cubicle I need to pass every time to reach my workstation. Though he couldn't see me, I could see him clearly from my place. He texted me in PR with his face pic. I don't know how to respond. Just blocked his profile and try avoiding any eye contact with him at office. Thankfully I was transferred to another location within weeks.

Team mates - I was working on a project with a mix up of people of various experience levels. Since we tend to mix up with folks of our own experience I use to get along with this guy on team events and outings. I had often suspected him since he always holds my hand or hips more longer than required in most instances. Also at workplace I often turn on my 'straight mode' and never react. But once this guy texted me in PR. Though I didn't respond then but later when I was about to be leave that project once called him for a coffee and told him.

Similarly one off my good friends in team, he always had a special liking on me. Often asking me to pose selfies with him but later one day by a mere chance I happen to see him he was using Grindr on his phone. Only then I got to know about that app. When I told him what I saw at a later point, he openly accepted that he liked me and wanted to hit the bed, but I had refused since I had seen him more as a brotherly figure and a good friend in project and so I couldn't make it up my mind to imagine him otherwise.

Of course the innumerable instances of being identified by my partial pics by my schoolmates, college mates and workmates. Either my dimple or any distinctly identifiable accessories like pendant, ear stud or something I have been recognised by people and I have got text messages to my PR profile from people saying that they saw me here or there.. Well at those instances I do feel embarrassed of being identified ;) but got used to it these days

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Posted On Apr 9, 2018

Great! Cool entries guys! I had this Experience twice. Once I found my voice and accent coach online. He is more elder than me and he played it like a sport. Both were happy to find each other. We thought to meet for fun, but never pulled the string. We have casual chats when we pass by. Never have any negative affinity for each other. So, very healthy relationship. The second time I saw a guy I used to eye in my high school, I have tried touching him in places in school and he was quiet. Never went too deep though. Later I found him on a hookup website, he was too bold than I have seen him back in school, he had his display pic revealing his face. I hit the message, I got a response but he had his own version of a ten year old incident to turn me down. I never knew people could hold their grudges that long. But I have always liked him and still like him.

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Ragu for fun
Posted On Apr 9, 2018

Nice topic Guru....this happened to me a long long time ago....I got a message in PR (in those days it was called g4m) and this guy took my real name....I was shocked....after a bit of text exchanges he revealed to me that he was my junior at college and always had an eye on me....he had even come to my house I. The context of getting my notes....he regretted not knowing abt my orientation the ;)

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Posted On Apr 9, 2018

Me too got the same experience in the gym, A guy is my gym mate. He was very friendly helpful and chit-chat in a gym when finding the time. Later I saw his profile in PR with a pic. I was chatting in PR and said I’m in your gym but I never told my identity. He asks me so many times in PR whom I am but I never revealed. He’s pursuing higher study in Pune, on vacation time he will come to our gym. But never talked about this in person. He went back to Pune, I’m no more in PR so my contact got lost.

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Posted On Apr 9, 2018

Nice topic buddy

I have got to know few mates on PR.

1. During those days pr (g4m) we used to get a mail stating there's a message from so and so. Like wise, I was talking to one of my seniors, my shift over and he just logged in.. He opened his mail and was talking to me.. Though peeping into someone mail is inappropriate, after seeing a notification mail from pr couldn't resist asking hey r u also a member of g4m?.. He was shocked and I later recognized what have I done and left immediately. But he texted me in mobile stating yes. Unfortunately both our preference In partners were different so we didn't meet up in bed but used to discuss on common crushes and fun..*** etc..

2. One of my spl friends accidentally told me that he met a person from my office in pr and had best fun.. Further probing I got the information from my friend and it got narrowed down to two people, apparently both had same names, one was my team lead and another one was a team mate. But considering the physic based on my friends comments, I made it to be my boss.. After moving onto another team once I messaged him a double meaning message. He sent a laughter symbol. It slowly diverted in *** forward and then I got it confirmed when I texted him a g msg.. He sent a reply stating nice.. Then we spoke about it and ended up in bed.. He is short and am 6.1ft tall so he had an eye on me and we still to date have fulfilled fun.. Have fuc..d him many times and he loves to taste my juice..

3. Once met a person in pr, after exchanging pictures I realized it was my ex manager.. But we couldn't meet up In bed..

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Posted On Apr 10, 2018

I have been lucky this has happened exactly twice! Touch wood. I used to work in a big IT park though I was not into IT. Bumped across profiles and may be discussed how I might have seen the other person at the food court or on the way to work.
The first time was in India. I was bored at work and signed into pr. There was this blank profile which was super close. Started talking and made me exchange pics. It was this cute Sindhi guy from IT who I had a big crush on. We had cross functional meetings every week and I used to represent my team and ogle at this guy every time and made sure to stay back after to ask stupid stuff I already knew. So did not exchange my pics and went directly to his cubicle and said I need to talk to you. I told him I saw him in the site and wanted to take it the next step if he is into me. I'm an introvert and took so much time to get the confidence and was also scared a bit. He invited me to his house one early morning before work when his wife was away on a work trip. Ended up *** him bare( not sure why I did that and have never done that since). He wanted me to stay over that night but had to go back to my home town for my cousin's wedding. Unfortunately he kinda started avoiding me and blocked me everywhere and just stayed professional hence forth.

The next one was here in the USA. I used to chat with this guy on and off on Grindr. I'm working as an intern and knew that they have hired a new Associate Engineer who would be full time. Come day 1 after the winter break there is this guys pic on the welcome board. The funny part was I was supposed to train him on a couple things as he was pretty new to the field and I was the one of the few people who was trained to do a a couple of tasks. We kinda hit it off well professionally and spoke about how we have chatted in the past. Sadly, he wanted to strictly keep it professional but ended up talking about our crushes at work.

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Posted On Apr 10, 2018

It happened in this very Ohmojo..I have not chatted with him through this site..but from his one particular post and his partial face picture I clearly identified him as one of my ex colleagues. He only rarely posts his opinions here. I guess he has not recognized me. It was quite surprising for me to know that he is a bi and that he has had such fabulous flings..

During the promiscuous phase of my college days, I had once groped a guy whom i recognized as gay, on the train, he too allowed it passively..later on when I went to one of my friend's marriage I saw him there, he was a close relative of my friend. I was quite shocked, however we both behaved as though we had never met each other..

This third one was the most shocking of all, I was once watching a gay ***, I was quite shocked to find my cousin who is very close to me in that ***..he is now living abroad..I had not spoken to him about that, since it might upset him. I guess someone would have hacked his mobile and stolen his personal video that he would have shot during his private moments...guys so be very careful as to what you shoot or photograph on your personal mobiles..most of the apps that we use on our mobiles steal all our datas, including our photos, videos etc..

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Posted On Apr 10, 2018

@Mahesh80 "This third one was the most shocking of all, I was once watching a gay ***, I was quite shocked to find my cousin who is very close to me in that ***..he is now living abroad..I had not spoken to him about that, since it might upset him. I guess someone would have hacked his mobile and stolen his personal video that he would have shot during his private moments...guys so be very careful as to what you shoot or photograph on your personal mobiles..most of the apps that we use on our mobiles steal all our datas, including our photos, videos etc." Now this is absolutely shocking.

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Posted On Apr 10, 2018

Mine was a love hate relationship. This happened long time back, even before orkut (you can imagine the time frame!!!). At that time there used to be funny chat site called chennai today or something like. I guess i first met this guy there. Then we started chatting in yahoo. Soon i realized he was also a student like me working on a similar field which kind of increased my curiosity to meet. He was extremely promiscuous and after lots of persuading we finally decided to meet at guindy railway station. I was very anxious and tried to literally fly through my bike to meet him. But when I was almost near the station, he called me and said he has changed his mind and has decided not to meet me and has left. Worst he even switched off the phone. I was mad and immediately removed his number from my cell and decided not to have any contact with him. Almost after 6-7 yrs i accidentally met the same guy in orkut. This time he had changed a lot. He was completely depressed and had a love failure with his junior guy who used him for his technical training and threwed him like crap. His research was failing and he was having suicidal tendencies. I was really feeling sorry for him and decided to help him out. This time he was more open and even gave his lab address. When I met him in his lab i realized we have actually seen each other several times before but it is just that we didnt spoke to each other. At that time I had a good g friend of mine from Anna nagar who was a male nurse but had also done psychology. We two met this guy in Guindy race course road and gave him counseling for almost an hr. After counseling he recovered from his depression, completed his PhD, went abroad for work, got married and now has a child. I helped him all through out even though out without expecting anything. But not even once we had fun. But due to a small (actually not small per se) misunderstanding (which i dont want to disclose here) our friendship is severed for ever now!!!

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Posted On Apr 12, 2018

@Guru what is funny is we never loved each other, we where never sexually attracted towards each other, we never had any deep friendship- it was more of acquaintance. But still the only thing which motivated me to help him was his dire state. I still have the satisfaction of helping somebody who was drowning.

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Posted On Apr 14, 2018

Interesting this happened to many times before and recently couple of days ago too. I bought a baleno last week and took the car for doing some interiors and adding some accessories at a shop in annanagar. I was dealt by a good looking chap and after awhile the manager or some incharge guy walked into the showroom ad smiled at me and and sat in the counter. suddenly noticed something familiar about him and was wondering for quiet sometime where i would have seen him. only after lot of contemplation found out he was one of the members in ohmoji, but i didnt remember his profile name thats why he looked so familiar. he was built dark looking guy with manly mush and good body, was wearing black shirt and grey trousers. looked hot n well groomed. i wanted to greet him and tell me atleast that he looked very familiar, but i didnt want to overwhelm him at his work place and also not to create an embaressment for him too. so i avoided the conversation but throughout my stay at the showrrom i could see he was constantly eyeing on me directly and indirectly. Im still searching for his id in ohmojo hope to find his id and leave him a msg n a compliment.

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Posted On Apr 15, 2018

When I come across my friends/colleagues as gay, I just want to open face to face with them instead of running. I came across post soon.

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Posted On Nov 3, 2018

This is so interesting thread. Believe me I have met my engineering roommate and my last project boss in PR. I haven't told yet to my roomie about this, as I have always seen him as a friend and never had sexual attraction (though he's extremely good looking). He had displayed all his pic in PR and at first glance it really shook me. He use to always speak about girls and was really shocked to see him there. I wasn't sure if I should tell him, so never spoke about this till date.

2nd incident was with my boss. My God. I can't forget that night. He pinged me in PR as we were very nearby as per the distance. He seems to be drunk that day and none of the family members were at home. He started hunting and accendentaly

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Posted On Nov 3, 2018

In continuation.. Accidentally messaged me with his picture. I was shocked to see him and immediately logged off. After few minutes I realized this was the right time and confessed him on my identity. He too was very embarrassed, but we later found that we both had an attraction towards each other. Though he's not that good looking, but I always found little matured guys attractive and he liked people of my type. We connected very well after that and still in touch

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Posted On Jan 8, 2019

This is about a junior member of my team from my previous organisation about 5-7 years back. I knew he was little feminist in his way of approach when he worked with me then,but he used to say he had a gf then (!??) Which I knew was not true, but still didn't want to disappoint him. He was taunted by few others in my team and I used to defend him then. We used to spend time in Food courts and talked a lot about future and his career. After some months he moved to Pune for another job and used to visit when he visited Chennai. After some years recently I found him in PR with his pic. I am also in PR and I guess he may have noticed me as well. But till date he has never made any acknowledgement of me or me of him. I still see him there. May be one day if we meet, we would be little embarrassed but still c'mon it's a small wlrld!!!! You never know who you will meet next!!!

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Posted On Jun 26, 2019

This happened few years back while I was chatting with an random guy in PR. We were in full mood chatting and making each other ***. Finally wen we shared our pics it was my brother's class mate in school. I was shocked to see him in PR as I had no clue abt him. Later we hooked up several times even now. It makes me *** to everytime wen i think I'm doing this to my brother's friend.

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Posted On Dec 14, 2019

I knew a person very well from my own appartment who is quite active in oh mojo..but never revealed to him

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Posted On May 26, 2020

This happened few years back.I was surfing gay forum.i saw my neighbor friend name slightly modified.i know him.very lovely guy.i never thought he likes gay.He used to come and stay in my home.next day also he came and we slept in the same bed.i talked about the gay forum.initially he avoided the topic.but understood that I also like gaysex.then both went to bed. If you like I will continue in next episode.

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Posted On Nov 9, 2023

Its nice to see known face and approachable guys wth similar likes. Sadly none. But hard no in office even though u like someone

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Posted On Nov 18, 2023

It happened few years ago. I was in my graduation final year.
I met a guy through fb that time . We met at a coffee shop. Spent good time with lots of conversation although.we didn't discuss our personal thing. He was much elder than me around 10 years. We kept chatting whole week and after a week (obviously on Sunday ) we met again and went for lunch. After that we planed late night movie show. On the last corner seat we did kissing and some light fun.
We met every weekends. With his car we went for few long drives as well and got more closer in these days.

2-3 months later in my collage a a seminar was organised for further career opportunities and job preparation. It was done by our HOD's brother in law. I was shocked when the seminar got started. HOD's brother in law was the same guy with whom I'm meeting since part few months.
He saw me while delivering his speach. I was little nurvous but he was focused on his speach. He asked few questions to me same as other students that was part of the seminar. Everything was happening professionally. After the seminar I met him. We didn't discuss anything about our previous meetings as many people was around.
At the end of the day i got his message thet " don't take collage bus, I'll drop you"
I did the same. We went out spend full evening together and he dropped me at my flat around 10pm
. So overall it was nice experience with known guy.

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Posted On Nov 30, 2023

It grey area. Ok to have one guy we knw but that also should be discreet to others

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Posted On Nov 30, 2023

I used to stay in a rented house and just close by 1 college boy stayed alone who used to have frequent friends visit(that’s what he used to inform the house owner) but, I had a fair idea that he was hooking up with people but never asked him as I was staying with family and I would be risky if I get involved with him.
I moved out from the house to another rented place after a year so lost him and later came to know that even he also changed his room and went along with his friends.
One day I got in touch with a guy via grinder who wanted to have 3some I agreed and went without knowing who the 3rd person was. I went to my host’s house who opened the door semi nude (just a lungi) he took me to his bedroom and to my shock I saw the same college boy totally nude waiting for us to come in. I was shocked but in a pleasant way and we spoke for a minute wondering if we knew about our interests earlier we could have fun 100’s of times while we were neighbours.
Then our fun started, I involved only in soft fun but, both of the boys had hard core fun fu**ed each other and later we all took bath together and left for our places. I could not see that guy again till now. But, hope to see him again.