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Sissy stories

When I was nineteen, I would often be left home alone as both my parents travel for work. I'd spend the whole day looking through Grndr for a half decent man when I came across this hunk, 6 feet tall with a 9 inch tool. I had never had anyone that big before so I agreed immediately and later that night at around 9, we met at a bar. He was extremely courteous and treated me like a princess all night, making me laugh and passing the most enticing flirtatious comments, it was like a dream date. The best part was he wasn't in a hurry to get me home either, and I was enjoying myself so I just went with the flow, consuming copious amounts of water to ensure I was not overly inebriated and still in my senses.

But once we got into his car, he asked me if I'd like to smoke some dope and I agreed immediately. The stuff was pretty strong and it felt more like an aphrodisiac because by the time we got to his appartment I was basically dripping wet. The second he closed his appartment door I got on my knees, pulled out his tool and showed him heaven, my *** worked wonders that night and my neck has never been through a more intense workout, and yet, incredibly, he wouldn't ***. He picked me up, basically threw me onto the bed and we went at it till the sun came up. I woke up that morning in his arms and for the first time, I knew what it felt like to be a woman, his enormous frame right next to me, his arm under my head. We did it a couple times in the shower and on the kitchen table. The initial entry always hurt like hell but he had exceptional pace and stamina, after a while you couldn't imagine life without his tool constantly thrusting against your insides. The foreplay was also exceptional as he always followed my pace.

Sadly, he moved out of Bangalore shortly after. I think about him often.

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Posted On Mar 31, 2020

Nice story

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Posted On Mar 31, 2020

Lovely story