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New Signal for identifying Gay guys

Submitted by Coksukr5000 Location: All India (All India, India)

We should come up with new signal to let fellow gay people know that we are up for a hook up

Eg … top wears yellow ring in the right hand middle finger ( Top right )

And bottoms wears yellow ring in left hand middle finger (bottom left)

This is an example … so if you are ready to Engage wear the ring and if it’s not the right time or you are with other people take the ring off

This way no one is guessing and is sure to make a move and will not lead to embarrassment

Don’t let the straight guys know ;)

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Posted On Apr 28, 2024

Not all people can afford yellow rings. Do some research for other sign which are easy n cheap to carry. I support your suggestion though.

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Posted On Apr 28, 2024

So whats the final way of approach? evry one has their own ways

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Posted On May 3, 2024

guys i need suggestions, its at my workplace, there is a person whom i check out whenever him and i are in office, i think one day he noticed me checking him out, usually what happens is if the guy is straight "straight" they ignore my signals, (i know because it has happened earlier with others at work :-) ) but this one looks at me back whenever i look at him, we have exchanged smiles sometime, its been going for past few weeks, the tricky part is , since ours is hybrid working, common days of us being in office on same day is only once a week. i am super afraid of approaching him first since its work related and i am super discreet, i am Bi married closeted man, not sure about him (i believe he is BI too coz i have seen his family pictures in our monthly newsletters). i can not find him on any social media platform. i do not want to put out a wrong impression and risk my position at work, although i do enjoy the moment when he looks back at me and pass a smile along,

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Posted On May 3, 2024

Be a friend of him, then try to manipulate him with your sexual interest, like tell him that you find a guy who is interested to have *** with you and he will do all kinds of stuffs like blowing, and then ask him would you like to join me. If he will be interested in gay *** he will definitely accept your proposal, if he says no, then again you manipulate him by saying this generation is dull and younger are more curious about having *** rather than their future, tell him all the *** stuffs.

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Posted On May 3, 2024

If he is interested then don;t let your chance go, and in the meantime search for a bottom guy, and fix a date with him. Once he is interested in the gangbang, show your affection toward him.

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Posted On May 4, 2024

@adicooliyo - my advice is not to based on personal experience. It is OK if he initiates it or talks to you on his own. You can then ask him if he wants to hang out have a coffee or movie. But other than that best not to tell him everything.
in my personal experience I had a terrible time when either this employee or the onlookers use this to spread rumours or even inform your family and all hell breaks loose. Will affect your career as most other companies do not and even cannot verify such rumours or misinformation that such gossips spread about you.

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Posted On May 4, 2024

@adicooliyo....in such situations key to success is confidence. Next time you are in the office, just strike a conversation: hey, how are you? It seems our days of being in office are differebt, what do you do here, i am doi g this xyz. If he is attracted to you, even he will want to talk to you. Both of you are gauging interests.
Then after few.times of initial chit chat. You ask him to accompany you for coffee in the office cafeteria or something. Then go to a pub. Again if there is interest and attraction, he wont mind spending time with you. Once trust is built then you can broach more personal topic.
I feel like in todays age of apps, we have forgotten the art of seduction as it is very easy to hide behind false identity and be direct.
Do share how prgress with the guy.

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Posted On May 6, 2024

Why cant we have a groping our crotch as a sign
Initial communication grabing on our own crotch
Both the parties reply with simlar fashion thensuggest role
If top grab the crotch again
If bot flash your back

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Posted On May 6, 2024

thanks all for the suggestions.
sorry @Sourav123 but gangbang or group is not my thing, plus with this guy i feel a connection which (i think) is beyond just s*x and wanting to see him nak*d.
Thanks @Neeta and @SweetJ, your suggestions are good, i think striking a convo is the next step , now so that we passed smiles and the gaze at each other, there is no harm in exchanging greetings verbally in a professional way to start with. the thing is him and i are on different teams and if people see us together hanging out, all those questions will come up how do you guys know each other, wats the connection etc.. because tbh i havent really seen him with anyone from his team, meaning he is not that much social, kinda have seen him being a loner at work etc.. whereas i always go with other team members, even with members from his team (that's how i noticed him when i was with his team mates he waived at them in the cafeteria, though it was a very cold waive :-) ) idk , what if he turns out to be a boring person

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Rahul xv *
Posted On May 8, 2024

Go outside in tight trousers without undies and press your crotch now and then.

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