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greenboy422's profile

39 yr old Male from Hammond, Indiana (United States)
Last Online: Jan 17, 2014
Profile Views:
209 times
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Hi there, I'm looking for a man to have fun with as much as possible (age/race is not an issue, but really attracted to men ages 18-40). Very very hairy and uncut men move to the front of the line! lol Tall men a huge plus. Facial hair a plus as well, but not necessary. Weight is not a huge deal to me, although I find myself attracted to men with some meat on their bones, beer-bellies turn me on alot!......Skinny or slim men are ok...but average, stocky, chubby or "fluffy" men are so hot!! More to love!! About myself: I am a latino "cub"(what people say),have a furry body such as legs, ***, chest, stomach, etc..(but manscape certain areas. lol), black hair, brown eyes but wear glasses, 28 years old, 6"0 ft, 6.5 inches and uncut. I'm on the chubby side (260lbs)...but do carry it well. lol. Anyway, right now I am looking for a quickie. You *** me off real good and swallow every drop. And I'll do the same for you but please please please be D/D free and HIV negative, as I am too!!!! Just know that it is a very very serious crime in the state of Indiana if you LIE about your status, so if you're "infected" please stay the hell away from me. Or if you don't know about your own status, then please do us both a HUGE favor and move on (not unless you quickly get yourself tested then come back to me.) I am a one man type of guy, and wish to establish a permanent ongoing FWBs with one man who's VERSATILE like me. I'm versatile in all aspects, I love to give and receive blowjobs to COMPLETION (swallowing every drop) and I bottom and top as well....If you wish to be more than FWBs then I am open to the idea of developing the relationship further into a loving, committed LTR...but if not, then that's ok. We could do it in my car, your house or we can talk about possible locations....No adult video arcades or bath houses please! (don't you know how filthy those places are??) Oh and by the way, those of you who insist on asking me to send you a face pic "first", you might as well keep going. I am not out yet, and want to remain that way for a while so I need to be discrete. But if you would like to share a face pic with me, then that would be so awesome. But if you're in the same situation as I am, then please send me a very detailed description about yourself.....and then.....well we could meet! Please NO Tops, Top-versatiles, "First-timers", Oral "Receivers", or "Spitters"......Like I said, I want a man that can actually please me as much as I'll please him....Please read my ad carefully! Don't respond to me with a vague description of yourself because that *** is annoying!

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Looking For:
Action/Sex, Dating/Romance, Long Term Relationship
Single and Looking
Last Online:
Jan 17, 2014 - 08:40 PM
Profile #:
6' 0" / 182.88 cms
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Hair Style:
Short Curly/Wavy
Body Hair:
Quite Hairy
Facial Hair:
Clean Shaven
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Permanent Link: http://www.ohmojo.com/viewprofile.aspx?member=158140

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